What is Meditation?
[As printed in Natural Awakening’s magazine, March 2018 edition.] What do you think of when you think of “meditation?” If you are anything like me, the image of Rafiki, the...
How to Handle Emotions
[Published in Natural Awakening’s magazine, September 2017 edition.] Emotions are challenges in themselves. When we feel happy, we bask in the glory of how good it feels. Yet, when we...
What is Anxiety?: Making Friends with the “Fear Spiral”
The Wisdom of President Roosevelt Franklin D. Roosevelt famously stated about the political climate in the 1930s that “We have nothing to fear but fear itself”. At the time, he...
Treatment for Anxiety and Depression: The Case for Avoiding “Why?”
“Why?” can be a powerful, yet dangerous question to ask. “Why?” explores causality and can provide insight. However, it can also be a black hole contributing to anxiety and despair....
Do I have Anxiety?: The Beginner’s Guide to Anxiety Treatment
In my work with others, I have found there typically are two kinds of people related to the treatment for anxiety. First, there are those who come in to me...
Anxiety Treatment 101: Breathing
Breath. It’s the foundation of our life. Science shows that, generally, we can survive for 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food. But, we cannot survive without our breath...